Before you are shopping at our site, we request you to look upon our privacy policy. Privacy policy plays an enormous role in undertaking the confidence and trust of one customer. So, make sure you read it out. We are happy to build happy and honest relations with our customers.
The privacy policy is the main focus of the Blissfuldayz. You can always explore what information we are taking and how we are utilizing it for your benefit. You can always keep a track record of it.
Our Privacy Policy concerns only for online activities like Blissfuldayz only collects information from its website.
Our privacy policy is created under the Free Privacy Policy Generator's governance and Privacy Policy Generator.
By visiting and using the Blissfuldayz website, you at this moment agree to the Blissfuldayz Privacy Policy and provide consent to all its terms.
Information that Blissfuldayz collects includes various aspects. The nature of the information we will ask it vary from the service you are gaining us from. We ask for your contact number, email address, which ensures our healthy relationship with customers. And if you want to register your account, we may ask for additional information, such as your residing address.
This will help us to reach up to you whenever we have an exciting deal for you.
Why we use your information?
We use your information for the various purposes that are given below:
We collect such information because it helps us to develop our website. It ensures the growth and analysis of our website. We can expand the scope of services we offer and can communicate well to our customers. Collecting information is also crucial for customer service and marketing, and sending emails. For detecting fraud, data is a healthy thing. So, we take information for the security and benefits of our customers.
We use cookies, too, to enhance your experience. We collect data and the time frame you spend on other sites to make our site better and valuable. Our concern is to get you the best possible experience while exploring our website. The data we use to collect, invest, and return to make your experiences healthy and smooth.
Product delivery
If we talk about the Product details and delivery, the Blissfuldayz offers free delivery to some areas and tries to deliver it quickly. While delivering the product, it may take 2-3 working days, but the Blissfuldayz ensures the product's quality; however, you can claim the product's return if you find any damaged packaging. We will send you the new one.
The Blissfuldayz makes sure that you are entirely notified of all your data protection rights. Arance journal allows you to access the data, like personal data; it also allows you to rectify any information you may think is not accurate and faulty. You are also allowed to remove your personal data once you allowed us, under specific conditions. You have got right to restrict processing and object to processing. So, the Blissfuldayz ensures your rights as well and is eager to build a strong relationship with its customer.
The Blissfuldayz ensures that they do not take any information from children and do not allow children to explore freely. Children may explore the site under the supervision of Adults.
So, the Blissfuldayz ensures the privacy of customers. If there is anything that Blissfuldayz does not follow, you can always reach us. We are here to serve you well. Our team is qualified and is experienced in tackling situations. Accept our privacy terms and cooperate with us.